Life begins again.

In Lana near Merano there is situated a guesthouse with 8 rooms. Right next to our Restaurant Stadele. It is a concept designed for pure pleasure-seekers, who are looking for places where they can eat fantastically and sleep wonderfully. And then there is this enchanted nibbling garden. But just let yourself be surprised.

The 8 rooms are each dedicated to a favourite spice of chef and cook Matthias. Would you like it spicy?

The Stadele Restaurant in Lana offers a simple yet sophisticated cuisine.

don’t drink
and drive

Who doesn't know the answer to the question, is the glass still okay or not? With us the answer is always:
of course, sleep with us!

Dinner, Room &
Breakfast from 210 € / Person

Come to us!

Via delle Quercie 2, 39011 Lana . Alto Adige / Italia

T +39 338 270 2860 . T +39 0473 564 383

2 minutes from Lana's center
7 km from Merano's center
1 km from Golfclub Lana
in 6 minuts at Monte San Vigilio


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